
Sea Island Window Cleaning Expert Offers Tips

Cleaning glass shower doors can be a real pain. As a professional window cleaning company servicing Sea Island, St. Simons Island, Brunswick, and the Golden Isles, we get a lot of interior glass cleaning requests. Sometimes, after years of neglect, things like shower doors need the help of a professional to really bring them back to their original luster.

Here are a few tips for homeowners to keep their glass shower doors looking their best in between professional cleanings:

  1.  Use the Right Tools – make sure you’re using soft cleaning tools, so as not to damage the glass. We recommend using a soft sponge with both a sponge and light scouring pad, a squeegee, gentle cleaning products, and a soft cloth.
  2. Do Your Research – Depending on what type of buildup you are trying to remove, the right product makes a huge difference. Make sure you can identify whether you are dealing with soap scum, hard water stains, or mineral stains.
  3. Decide What Products To Use – Harsh chemicals are not necessarily the only way to remove stains. There are many natural products on the market that can do the job just as well. Lemon oil is often used for hard water stains and can even help prevent future build-up.
  4. Rinse Well – After cleansing away the stains, run hot water throughout the shower and until the bathroom is steamy. Then wipe everything down with a squeegee and soft cloth.

If your shower doors still don’t shine like you wish they would give us a call. At Clearview Services South, we’ve never met a glass shower door we weren’t able to treat. We use only the latest techniques to ensure you get the very best in service, and we are even able to restore scratched glass. Our process also involves coating glass for solid protection from future buildup. Schedule a free estimate today!


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